Tuesday, October 30, 2007


OK-so I love Google. Without going into too much detail, they have so many programs that work flawlessly with each other. An example...I started using Picasa as my photo program, and right there underneath the pictures it said "blog this". One click, and I'm posting a picture of where I went snorkeling this summer. Cool, right? My suggestions to make the most of google: First, you have to have gmail, and an igoogle page. That's where it all comes together neatly for you to look at. The calendar is fabulous. Easily editable, printable, easy to change your view. Google Documents is awesome. You can save document to your google account, in a word processing program, or you can upload from your existing word processor to use at another computer. Blogger, of course, is cool. You can set yourself up a free website that is easy to edit. Picasa, my new toy, seems fabulous, and it comes with an easy to work with photo screensaver...it's all just seamless. Google...you rock. I heart you.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Aweee.. How sweet. If you love Google so much, why don't you marry it? tee hee!