Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I'm back

I hope no one thought I was dead. I was just uninspired. I've been in a bit of a funk. I think this is because I'm not really doing anything for me right now. I mean, I'm not using my talents, and that's a waste, and it makes me sad. So, how do I fix that? Well, I don't really know, but it seems like I have a good idea on how to start.

I'm going to gather proof of my talents. And also, a list. I'm going to create a list of everything I think I'm good at. I'm going to get my resume back in fighting order. I'm going to record a couple of songs. I'm going to make sure all of my directed plays that are on video are in a nice, easy to view folder somewhere. Then, perhaps I will have a better idea. And perhaps, I can do some of that right here for you to see. But, I'll need some help along the way. Any suggestions would be most helpful...

To catch you up on my life...same old things for the most part. I went to see my mom, which was lovely. Greensboro has a Harris Teeter that is the biggest grocery store I've ever seen. This excited me more than it should have. And I spent some time over the weekend with Jon in Sylva with his friend Terry. He took some great pictures of her, and then she took some portraits of us. I'll show you some later, when Jon gets home with the files. Trivia at Beefs is going well. Trivia at Drips is not. I've missed Allison lately...haven't seen quite enough of her.

Last night, I locked my keys in my house. After I'd already loaded the car with all the trivia stuff...dog inside, me outside. Jon was out of town with the other key...to make a long story short, Allison's man Jared climbed my house monkey style and got in an upstairs window. Yay for Jared!!

So, I'm off to clean and make some lists.


AmyB said...

Good to see you back! I am the same way lately - completely uninspired. I feel like I've lost myself in a way. Hopefully we can BOTH get out of this soon. Your ideas on how sound great; thanks for the inspiration! And good luck getting there...

Katie Bonk said...

Welcome back! I know the Harris Teeter you're talking about. We've called it the Taj MaTeeter ever since they built it.

Carmen said...

Thanks guys! My mom calls that store the Taj MaTeeter too!

Amy-we seem to be running on similar courses here. Good luck...I feel good about it for both of us.

Katie-you guys rocked last night.

Lovey said...

I'm just commenting to say welcome back! Tho I will say that your absence was well timed, since I was either at the beach or in Pittsburgh and couldn't check my email or blogs anyway. :) I'm glad your back now to distract me from Chemistry!